No matter how much I would like to be, I just can't do it. I really try to find something interesting in every single kit, no matter what year the car is or what type of kit it is. I have tried to understand model builders, but I am baffled....almost feel like something is wrong with me at times.
I see model builders and their builds and wonder if there is a secret society for them. Am I an outsider? A rebel? A nobody?
Sure....these model builders can do some pretty amazing things to their models. I have seen it! Believe me! Indianapolis 500 cars, NASCARS, the latest Mustang or Concept kit...for that matter ANYTHING that just came out.....these guys can build them and not even think about it. I think you know what I mean? The Nova kit that just came's like every model that just comes out and 50 are built and displayed before I can even open mine!
How do they do it? Is it about "innocence"? Does it take a VIRGIN modeler to just be happy building anything put in front of them? Maybe it takes a STUD to stick to what they really like and ignore the rest? I just wonder if it has anything to do with pure love of modeling or the subject matter as long as it's what they can relate to?
I gather model builders are into assembling models like a puzzle or solving a rubix cube. Model builders are GIANTS on a small scale assembley that right? Punch the numbers in and you get the answer like, put the glue on it and it will be definition, just a straight forward example of what the box said it would be. Satisfaction?
I am sorry I could not relate and be part of the modeling matrix. I could not understand model builders and what they do as if they are aliens from another planet....we don't speak the same language. Password?
I must stand among the masses and pretend to understand and smile. Say wow when one of them shows me their bone stock, factory stock, box stock model builder's model. Try to come up with a great story about a real stock version as if I am a gushy lover of a 1977 Plymouth Volare. Walk away feeling like a jerk and irritated. Faked him out huh? Find good in being fake? Should have said it's nice but I think '77 was a shitty year for Plymouth. No don't be that way, tell it like a model builder would. Say it's really sweet! Say how much of a man he is for getting the paint to lay down .....afterall it could have been all over something else right? Truth in model building could hurt to a model builder. I am not a model builder.
I am a modeler. I don't assemble models, I am not a giant nor a virgin. I don't get excited seeing 50 builds of the latest kit, all different colors. I like rainbows, but I can eat skittles if I wanted to see the same thing over and over in different colors. Imagination is my burden, it's my curse, it's what makes me a modeler and not a model builder. I have a gift! I can see something in every model that makes it different. Even if I think the model is poorly done I can find one good thing about it. Maybe I am half breed.....a modeler/model builder? I can't seem to be completely honest so I just shut up. Nobody wants to hear "your model is a peice of shit".....nope, that would hurt the hobby.....truth would by it'self. Hold the hobby, keep it close and near your heart. It's your lifeline, your majesty, your drug, your bitch too! Make it what you want, it's yours.
Model builders....keep building models so we modelers look busier.
Take this for what you will, but it's nothing more than random, honest thoughts I have had over the years.