Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy? Veteran's Day

Sorry I don't mean any disrespect, I just don't know if this is a happy holiday.

I admit I have never been much up on war and all that goes with it. I do know that many lives were taken, many people were MIA or POW and that many still are captive or missing.

My grandfather was in the second world war as an MP. He was a guard for the prisoners. His father served in the first world war as a seargant or rifleman or maybe both.

My father in law served in Nam and was right in the line of fire at all times. He sometimes puts on the old reel to reel and watches the footage that he obtained and cries. The film shows extreme detail of first hand war. I don't know why he tortures himself by watching it, but i have to assume it's "to not forget".

My sister in law is in the Air Force and served in Iraq. She has 4 kids , she is 35 and has missed out on many months and even whole years of her kids lives to serve. I don't know if she is just plain crazy or if she is that dedicated to the USA. I know i could not do it.....I could never miss out on my kids lives to serve any purpose no matter what it was. I guess I should be thankful for people like her though, it takes a strong person to do that.

I think that is why this holiday is important. We should not forget our fallen brothers, sisters, dad's, grandfather's,cousins and so on.....no matter how far back they were relation. If it was not for all their bravery we would be so much farther down the ladder.


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